Practical Assessment Submissions

Within your course there are sections which will assess how you perform tasks practically, that is how you perform a task in real circumstances.

  • Read practical assessment criteria carefully

Practical assessments can be time consuming so read through the criteria before undertaking assessment. Ensure you understand what you will be required to demonstrate in order to be assessed as competent. Addressing and meeting the assessment requirements the first time around will save time (and possibly money) as opposed to having to re-submit an assessment because you didn’t demonstrate all that was required.

 There are three different sections of assessment in the practical assessment books:-

  • Self assessment
  • Peer assessment
  • Assessor/Trainer assessment

The first is a self assessment. This section is for you to conduct your own evaluation on how you perform the required exercises. Use it to ensure you are demonstrating the practical skill to the level and with the desired technique described by the assessment book. This section is designed to be carried out before you have a trainer/assessor assess you.

 The ‘peer assessment’ is similar to the ‘self assessment’ section in that it is designed to ensure you are demonstrating the practical skill to the level and with the desired technique described by the assessment book. A ‘peer’ is another person (friend, family member, work colleague) preferably with some horse experience, who can give feedback on your performance of the task. The self and peer assessments help to make certain that you are consistent in your ability to perform the assessment task.

Trainer or assessor sections are for the qualified or suitably experienced person who will determine whether you are competent in the practical task. You are required to be assessed twice by a trainer, either on two separate occasions by the same trainer or by two different trainers. Again this makes sure you are consistent in your performance and execution of the task. More information on trainers/assessors (such as who is qualified to assess which sections practical assessment) can be found here:-

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Assessor application

Assessors/trainers need to be approved with OnlineHorseCollege and undergo a brief induction (usually over the phone) before assessing students.


Alternatively a video can be sent in to us at OnlineHorseCollege for assessment. This can be done via youtube (using private link settings) or by dvd.

Example of a good video submission for practical assessment.

 For further question or queries contact